1,193 research outputs found

    Using ALD To Bond CNTs to Substrates and Matrices

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    Atomic-layer deposition (ALD) has been shown to be effective as a means of coating carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with layers of Al2O3 that form strong bonds between the CNTs and the substrates on which the CNTs are grown. ALD is a previously developed vaporphase thin-film-growth technique. ALD differs from conventional chemical vapor deposition, in which material is deposited continually by thermal decomposition of a precursor gas. In ALD, material is deposited one layer of atoms at a time because the deposition process is self-limiting and driven by chemical reactions between the precursor gas and the surface of the substrate or the previously deposited layer

    Shrinking Point Bifurcations of Resonance Tongues for Piecewise-Smooth, Continuous Maps

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    Resonance tongues are mode-locking regions of parameter space in which stable periodic solutions occur; they commonly occur, for example, near Neimark-Sacker bifurcations. For piecewise-smooth, continuous maps these tongues typically have a distinctive lens-chain (or sausage) shape in two-parameter bifurcation diagrams. We give a symbolic description of a class of "rotational" periodic solutions that display lens-chain structures for a general NN-dimensional map. We then unfold the codimension-two, shrinking point bifurcation, where the tongues have zero width. A number of codimension-one bifurcation curves emanate from shrinking points and we determine those that form tongue boundaries.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Revisiting wetting, freezing, and evaporation mechanisms of water on copper

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    Wetting of metal surfaces plays an important role in fuel cells, corrosion science, and heat-transfer devices. It has been recently stipulated that Cu surface is hydrophobic. In order to address this issue we use high purity (1 1 1) Cu prepared without oxygen, and resistant to oxidation. Using the modern Fringe Projection Phase-Shifting method of surface roughness determination, together with a new cell allowing the vacuum and thermal desorption of samples, we define the relation between the copper surface roughness and water contact angle (WCA). Next by a simple extrapolation, we determine the WCA for the perfectly smooth copper surface (WCA = 34°). Additionally, the kinetics of airborne hydrocarbons adsorption on copper was measured. It is shown for the first time that the presence of surface hydrocarbons strongly affects not only WCA, but also water droplet evaporation and the temperature of water droplet freezing. The different behavior and features of the surfaces were observed once the atmosphere of the experiment was changed from argon to air. The evaporation results are well described by the theoretical framework proposed by Semenov, and the freezing process by the dynamic growth angle model

    Measurement of the electric dipole moments for transitions to rubidium Rydberg states via Autler-Townes splitting

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    We present the direct measurements of electric-dipole moments for 5P3/2nD5/25P_{3/2}\to nD_{5/2} transitions with 20<n<4820<n<48 for Rubidium atoms. The measurements were performed in an ultracold sample via observation of the Autler-Townes splitting in a three-level ladder scheme, commonly used for 2-photon excitation of Rydberg states. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic measurement of the electric dipole moments for transitions from low excited states of rubidium to Rydberg states. Due to its simplicity and versatility, this method can be easily extended to other transitions and other atomic species with little constraints. Good agreement of the experimental results with theory proves the reliability of the measurement method.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; figure 6 replaced with correct versio

    Electrophoretic deposition of layer-by-layer unsheathed carbon nanotubes - A step towards steerable surface roughness and wettability

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    It is well known that carbon nanotube (CNT) oxidation (usually with concentrated HNO3) is a major step before the electrophoretic deposition (EPD). However, the recent discovery of the “onion effect” proves that multiwalled carbon nanotubes are not only oxidized, but a simultaneous unsheathing process occurs. We present the first report concerning the influence of unsheathing on the properties of the thus-formed CNT surface layer. In our study we examine how the process of gradual oxidation/unsheathing of a series of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) influences the morphology of the surface formed via EPD. Taking a series of well-characterized and gradually oxidized/unsheathing Nanocyl™ MWCNTs and performing EPD on a carbon fiber surface, we analyzed the morphology and wettability of the CNT surfaces. Our results show that the water contact angle could be gradually changed in a wide range (125–163°) and the major property determining its value was the diameter of aggregates formed before the deposition process in the solvent. Based on the obtained results we determined the parameters having a crucial influence on the morphology of created layers. Our results shed new light on the deposition mechanism and enable the preparation of surfaces with steerable roughness and wettability

    Auger transition from orbitally degenerate systems: Effects of screening and multielectron excitations

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    We calculate Auger spectra given by the two-hole Green's function from orbitally degenerate Hubbard-like models as a function of correlation strength and band filling. The resulting spectra are qualitatively different from those obtained from fully-filled singly degenerate models due to the presence of screening dynamics and multielectron excitations. Application to a real system shows remarkable agreement with experimental results leading to reinterpretation of spectral features.Comment: To appear in Phy. Rev. Let

    Channeling measurements of lattice disorder at the GaAs–InAs(100) heterojunction

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    Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) combined with channeling techniques has been used to analyze the lattice disorder present in InAs thin films less than 1 µm thick grown on GaAs(100) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The axial channeling yields along [100], [110], and [111] reveal that roughly one quarter of the atoms in the thin films are out of registry with the InAs lattice at the heterojunction interface. The amount of lattice disorder decreases rapidly to undetectable (7% lattice mismatch between GaAs and InAs

    Structure effects in Ne-20+Pb-208 quasi-elastic scattering

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    Preliminary results of an analysis of experiments devoted to a study of the sensitivity of the 20Ne + 208Pb quasi-elastic angular distributions at two near-barrier energies and the previously measured corresponding barrier distribution to the value of the nuclear quadrupole deformation length of 20Ne are reported

    Electronic structure of the MO oxides (M=Mg, Ca, Ti, V) in the GW approximation

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    The quasiparticle band structures of nonmagnetic monoxides, MO (M=Mg, Ca, Ti, and V), are calculated by the GW approximation. The band gap and the width of occupied oxygen 2p states in insulating MgO and CaO agree with experimental observation. In metallic TiO and VO, conduction bands originated from metal 3d states become narrower. Then the partial densities of transition metal e_g and t_2g states show an enhanced dip between the two. The effects of static screening and dynamical correlation are discussed in detail in comparison with the results of the Hartree-Fock approximation and the static Coulomb hole plus screened exchange approximation. The d-d Coulomb interaction is shown to be very much reduced by on-site and off-site d-electron screening in TiO and VO. The dielectric function and the energy loss spectrum are also presented and discussed in detail.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure